These notes should be read by anyone who has an important exam in any point of their life

HOW TO PASS AN EXAM? By Prof Kaiser Ali

The secret of passing any exam lies in the mental preparation.

Nervousness and lack of confidence in small doses are good – they help remind you that no one person can know it all, so there is always room for learning until your dying day.

You can become more relaxed by taking 15-30 minutes every day and going for a quiet walk and enjoy the beauties of nature. Even in a crowded city, all you have to do is look up at the sky, appreciate the “wirawan/awan?”, “matahari”, “angin” and “burungs” – create a new quiet place in your heart for them, and when you feel stressed, just bring them back into your mind and into your heart.

When you walk into the examining room, you should do so with confidence, respect, and humility. And remind yourself that you know more about the thesis topic than any of your examiners. Say a prayer in your heart, and start answering the questions. By your replies, gently lead the examiners in the direction you want i.e., in the areas where your knowledge is strong so you can give them solid answers, and don’t lead them into areas where your knowledge is not so strong.

From mas Dandung : Note ini baru tapi lama..saya pindah dari koleksi saya ke pediatrica supaya dapat dibaca oleh semua pediatricum 🙂 Enjoy

Pada Dasarnya…. Ilmu pediatrik itu sangat luas..dan tidak mungkin ada orang yang bisa tahu semuanya. Ibarat wayang yang mempunyai 2 sisi, tidak mungkin kita bisa mengetahui sisi yang lain ketika kita melihat satu sisi wayang.
That’s why we have to learn from others until our dying day. We have to listen to others..and someone said to me:that the best teacher is YOUR CHILD 🙂

Untuk pede saat ujian akhir,aku sarankan paling tidak kandidat sudah membaca berulang-ulang/menguasai ilmu dasar seperti : Pemeriksaan fisik (paling tidak baca bukunya Corry Matondang dan bukunya Prof Narto), Imunisasi (Satgas Imunisasi IDAI), MTBS (wajibbbb!!), SPM (Sarjito dan IDAI), Neonatus (resusitasi, protap NICU, WHO, PONEK).

Bila sudah membaca ilmu2 dasar itu.. Semoga kita menjadi lebih pede di depan :).. Ilmu lain adalah sesuai kasus yang kita dapat.. Oya,dan belajar menjawab dengan gaya E-B-M hehe..

Berikut contoh presentasi ujian nasional..mudah mudahan bisa berguna buat yang mau ujian…….. Goodluck everyone 🙂

ujian nasional